Tetracaine From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

Tetracaine Systematic (IUPAC) name 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl 4-(butylamino)benzoate Identifiers CAS number 94-24-6 136-47-0 (hydrochloride) ATC code C05AD02 D04AB06 N01BA03 S01HA03 PubChem 5411 Chemical data Formula C15H24N2O2 Mol. mass 264.363 g/mol Pharmacokinetic data Bioavailability  ? Protein binding 75.6 Metabolism  ? Half life  ? Excretion  ? Therapeutic considerations Pregnancy cat. ?

Legal status Routes Topical, Epidural, Spinal Tetracaine (INN, also known as amethocaine; trade name Pontocaine) is a potent local anesthetic of the ester group. It is mainly used topically in ophthalmology and as an antipruritic, and it has been used in spinal anesthesia.

In biomedical research, tetracaine is used to alter the function of calcium release channels (ryanodine receptors) that control the release of calcium from intracellular stores. Tetracaine is an allosteric blocker of channel function. At low concentrations, tetracaine causes an initial inhibition of spontaneous calcium release events, while at high concentrations, tetracaine blocks release completely[1].

[edit] References ^ Györke, S; Lukyanenko, V et al. (1997). Dual effects of tetracaine on spontaneous sodium release in rat ventricular myocytes. 500. J Physiol. pp. 297–309.

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