نظرية عسكرية

(تم التحويل من Military theory)

Ramses II at Kadesh.jpgGustavus Adolphus at the Battle at Breitenfeld.jpgM1A1 abrams front.jpg

التاريخ العسكري

قبل التاريخ • القديمة • الوسيطة
المعاصرة المبكرة • الصناعية • الحديثة

مجالات المعارك

جوية • معلوماتية • برية • بحرية • فضائية


مدرعات • مدفعية • بيولوجية • سلاح الفرسان
كيماوية • إلكترونية • مشاة
نووية • نفسية


استنزاف • فدائيون • مناورة
حصار • حرب شاملة • خنادق


اقتصادية • كبرى • عملياتية


التشكيلات • الرتب • الوحدات


المعدات • الذخيرة • خطوط الامداد


المعارك • القادة • العمليات
الحصارات • المنظرون • الحروب
جرائم الحرب • الأسلحة • الكتاب

النظرية العسكرية Military theory، هي تحليل للسلوك المعياري والتوجهات في الشؤون العسكرية والتاريخ العسكري، الذي يصل لما هو أبعد الوصف المبسط لأحداث الحرب والنظريات العسكرية، وخاصة منذ تأثير محاولة كلاوسڤيتس في القرن التاسع عشر لبوتقة العلاقات الثقافية، السياسية، والاقتصادية المعقدة بين المجتمعات والنزاعات التي أسستها.

تفاوتت النظريات والمفاهيم حول الحرب في أماكن مختلفة على مدار التاريخ الإنساني. الصيني سون تزو، يعتبر واحد من أقدم المنظرين العسكريين. أيقونته فن الحرب كان أساساً للتخطيط، التكتيكات، الاستراتيجية واللوجستيات العملياتية.

Military Theory is multi-disciplinary drawing on social science and humanities academic fields through the disciplines of political science, strategic studies, military studies and history. It examines three key areas:

  • What is war (its nature)?
  • What forms does war take (its character)?
  • How are wars won (the application of military power or warfare)?[1]

It is distinct from, and subordinate to, Military Philosophy, which studies questions such as the reasons to go to war, jus ad bellum, and just ways to fight wars, jus in bello. Two of the earliest military philosopher's date from the 5th Century BC; Thucydides and Sun Tzu. Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War and Sun Tzu's Art of War [2] offer enduring thoughts on the causes of war and how warfare may be conducted. Likewise, while military theory can inform Military Doctrine or help explain Military History, it differs from them as it contemplates abstract concepts, themes, principles and ideas to formulate solutions to actual and potential problems concerning war and warfare.[3]

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استخدام النظرية العسكرية

Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz wrote,

Carl von Clausewitz

'The primary purpose of any theory is to clarify concepts and ideas that have become, as it were, confused and entangled. Not until terms and concepts have been defined can one hope to make any progress in examining the questions clearly and simply and expect the reader to share one's views.'[4]

Military Theory informs the political, strategic, operational and tactical levels of war.[5] It does so by contributing to knowledge on the subjects of war and warfare. This aids in understanding why and when force is used and what forms the use of force may take. It also aids in identifying and explaining practical outcomes to help determine how force may be applied.[6] Military theories, especially since the 19th Century AD, attempt to encapsulate the complex cultural, political and economic relationships between societies and the conflicts they create.

Categories of Military Theory

Military Theories can be divided into several categories.[7] First, theories may be codified by their relevant level of War:

Second, they may be categorised by environment or domain, such as:

Third, a theory may be developed for a particular form of warfare, such as:

منظّرون عسكريون

Theories and conceptions of warfare have varied throughout human history. There have been many military theorists throughout history, such as Onasander, Frontinus, Aelian, Vegetius, Maurice, Leo VI, Machiavelli, Lloyd, Berenhorst, Bülow, de Saxe, Clausewitz, Jomini, Calwell, Mahan, Corbett, Douhet, Fuller, Liddell-Hart, Wylie, Brodie, Luttwak, Schelling, Howard, Freedman, Boyd, Lind, Creveld, Gat, Hammes, Hoffman, Kilcullen and Gray in Western military circles; each have helped lay the foundations for our contemporary understanding of policy, strategy, operational art, tactics, command and control, intelligence and logistics.

انظر أيضاً



  1. ^ Lider, Julian (1980). "Introduction to Military Theory". Cooperation and Conflict. XV (3): 151–168. JSTOR 45083282 – via JSTOR.
  2. ^ For more on scholars valuation of The Art of War, see the Wikipedia article The Art of War
  3. ^ Angstrom and Wider. Contemporary Military Theory. pp. 4–6.
  4. ^ von Clausewitz, Carl (1976). tr. Michael Howard and Peter Paret (ed.). On War (Indexed ed.). Princeton: Princeton University Press. p. 132. ISBN 9780691018546.
  5. ^ Gray, Colin S. (2010). The Strategy Bridge-Theory for Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 14–5. ISBN 9780199579662.
  6. ^ Evans, Michael (2004). "The Continental School of Strategy: The Past, Present and Future of Land Power" (PDF). Australian Army Research Centre. pp. 17–9. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
  7. ^ Vego, Milan (2011). "On Military Theory". Joint Force Quarterly. 3 (62): 59–67. ProQuest 877014867 – via ProQuest.
  8. ^ Oliviero, Charles (2022). Strategia-A Primer on Theory and Strategy for Students of War (1st ed.). Toronto: Double Dagger. pp. 11–13. ISBN 9781990644245.
  9. ^ Yarger, Harry R. (2006). Strategic Theory for the 21st Century: The Little Book on Big Strategy. Leavenworth: US Army War College War College Press. pp. 8–9. ISBN 1584872330.
  10. ^ Evans, Michael. The Continental School of Strategy. pp. 10–11.


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