خطأ لوا: Invalid number -431. السنة 432 ق.م. . (الرابط يعرض روزنامة كاملة) من التقويم اليوليوسي. وكان يسبقها سنة 433 ق.م. وتلتها سنة 431 ق.م..

الألفية: الألفية 1 ق.م.
القرون: القرن 6 ق.م. - القرن 5 ق.م. - القرن 4 ق.م.
العقود: عقد 460 ق.م.  عقد 450 ق.م.  عقد 440 ق.م.  - عقد 430 ق.م. -  عقد 420 ق.م.  عقد 410 ق.م.  400s ق.م.
السنوات: 435 ق.م. 434 ق.م. 433 ق.م. - 432 ق.م. - 431 ق.م. 430 ق.م. 429 ق.م.
432 ق.م. حسب الموضوع
زعماء الدولالدول ذات السيادة
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات
تصنيفات التأسيسات والانحلالات

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


حسب المكان



  • Sparta calls and hosts a conference of the Peloponnesian League. The conference is attended by Athenian representatives as well as members of the League. Following arguments by Corinth against Athens, a majority of the League members vote to declare that the Athenians had broken the peace.[1]
  • The Athenian admiral, Phormio, continues the siege of Potidaea by blocking the entrance to the Gulf of Corinth. Meanwhile an Athenian fleet, led by Archestratus, sails for Potidaea. However, instead of attacking Potidaea, they attack the Macedonians under Perdiccas II, who have allied with the Potidaeans. The Athenians capture Therma (modern Thessalonica) and then go on to besiege Pydna. However, as the Athenians are besieging Pydna, they receive news that Corinth has sent a force under the command of Aristeus to support Potidaea. In response, Athens sends more troops and ships under the command of Hipponicus. The combined Athenian force sails to Potidaea and lands there. In the ensuing Battle of Potidaea, the Athenians are victorious against Corinth and its allies.[بحاجة لمصدر]



حسب الموضوع

العلوم والفلسفة


  • Meton of Athens, a Greek mathematician and astronomer, calculates accurately the comparative chronology of the solar and lunar cycles. As a result, he introduces the 19-year Metonic cycle into the Athenian calendar as a method of calculating dates. Working with Euctemon, he observes the summer solstice on 27 June.[4]





  1. ^ Cooley, M. G. L., ed. (2024). Sparta. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 216. ISBN 978-1-00938-277-9.
  2. ^ Bartoněk, Antonín (1972). Classification of the West Greek Dialects at the Time about 350 B.C. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert. p. 90. OCLC 781564.
  3. ^ Hui, Yu; Stock, Jonathan P.J. (2023). The Oxford Handbook of Music in China and the Chinese Diaspora. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-19066-198-4.
  4. ^ Zhmud, Leonid (2006). The Origin of the History of Science in Classical Antiquity. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 267–268. ISBN 978-3-11017-966-8.
  5. ^ Silver, Larry (1993). Art in History. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall. p. 51. ISBN 978-0-13052-333-4.