گرافيم grapheme هو أصغر وحدة ذات معنى مميز في لغة مكتوبة، analogous to the phonemes of spoken languages. وقد يحمل الگرافيم، أو لا يحمل، معنى في حد ذاته، وقد يناظر أو لا يناظر فونيم مفرد. Graphemes include alphabetic letters, typographic ligatures, المقاطع الصينية، الأعداد الرقمية، punctuation marks, and other individual symbols of any of the world's نظم كتابة.

كلمة گرافيم مشتقة من اليونانية γράφω گرافو ("يكتب")، واللاحقة -eme, by analogy with فونيم and other names of emic units. دراسة الگرافيمات تسمى graphemics.

A grapheme is an abstract concept, similar to a character in computing. A glyph is a specific shape that represents that grapheme, in a specific typeface. For example, the abstract concept of "the Arabic numeral one" is a grapheme, which would have two different glyphs (allographs) in the fonts Times New Roman و Helvetica.

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Graphemes are often notated within angle brackets, as ⟨a⟩, ⟨B⟩, etc.[1] This is analogous to the slash notation (/a/, /b/) used for phonemes, and the square bracket notation used for phonetic transcriptions ([a], [b]).

Glyphs and allographs

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  1. ^ The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, second edition, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 196