نقاش المستخدم:May05

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النقاشات النشطة

كما يبدو أنت خبير في ويكيبيديا، فأنت تقوم بإستعمال الوصلات الصحيحة للأشياء ! لكن هناك أمر واحد. وهو المحاولة قدر الإمكان تفادي إستعمال ال التعريف في عناوين الصفحات (الوصلات) وكذلك تفادي "أ" و "إ و" "آ" إن أمكن في العناوين، ووضع "ا" الألف البسيطة مكانها. السبب هو لتسهيل إيجاد الصفحات عدن البحث، ولتسهيل تسمية العناوين عند الرغبة بإنشاء وصلات.

تابع التألق - Isam

لقد اخذت بملاحظاتك، و شكراً جزيلاً لكل شيئ.


Hello Muhammad, I hope you understand some english, since my arabic is so bad. I noticed that you uploaded two pictures of beirut. Did you take them yourself? It is necessary that each picture in wikipedia has a description under which licence it is available. If you took the pictures yourself or someone gave you the permission to use them, you simply write on the image description pages (صورة:Beirut-mountain.jpg صورة:Beirut-rawcheh.jpg) something like "photo by ... released under GNU FDL". You can take images only from sources which are either en:Public Domain or en:GNU FDL - otherwise wikipedia risks a lot of legal problems. --Elian 20:22, 21 فبراير 2004 (UTC)

Hello Elian. First, I'm sorry for not resposding for that long, I was busy in my work. Secondly, I'm afraid that these images may NOT be from a public domain I simply googled for them and found a number of web pages using them and got them unaware to the copyright and permission issue. Thus, I think its up to you to make the appropriate action having the experience as a sysop in such issues. Thanks Elian. BTW, it is you who lead me to the arabic wikipedia .. I read the arabeyes mail you sent and visit the site, so thanks again. May05 22:06, 25 فبراير 2004 (UTC)
Hello Muhammad, then I think it's better to delete the images. Since you live in Beyrut, can you maybe get a digicam and take some photos of the city yourself? or ask friends for pictures? Or we take this picture from the German wikipedia which is public domain? What do you think? --Elian
Hello Elian, I will remove the two pictures now and get that on the german wiki. But I'll try my best to get my own and upload ASAP; because, you know, the more public pictures available the better.--May05 16:49, 26 فبراير 2004 (UTC)

Copyright control

Hi, I would like to add Beirut1900.jpg to the Beirut entry on the Italian-language Wikipedia, so I wonder if you happen to know the year of printing of this image (presumably a postcard) or of publication of the book where this picture was taken from. Thanks in advance for your co-operation. -- Francesco

عد إلى صفحة May05