ميلاد المسيح في الفن

يعتبر ميلاد المسيح من الموضوعات الرئيسية في الفن المسيحي منذ القرن الرابع الميلادي. والرسومات الفنية التي تصور ميلاد المسيح، والتي تحتفل بعيد الميلاد، تعتمد على القصص الواردة في الكتاب المقدس، in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and further elaborated by written, oral and artistic tradition. Christian art includes a great many representations of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child. Such works are generally referred to as the "Madonna and Child" or "Virgin and Child". They are not usually representations of the Nativity specifically, but are often devotional objects representing a particular aspect or attribute of the Virgin Mary, or Jesus. Nativity pictures, on the other hand, are specifically illustrative, and include many narrative details; they are a normal component of the sequences illustrating both the Life of Christ and the Life of the Virgin.

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قصة الميلاد

The stable is just outside the city walls, with the shepherds on the hill behind; Slovakia, c.1490

Gothic toppling idol on the flight

تاريخ التصوير

المسيحية المبكرة

Magi bearing gifts, 4th century sarcophagus, Rome

In the first centuries of Christianity the feast of the [[Epiphany (Christian)|Epiphan Emperor.[1]

4th century sarcophagus, Milan; one of the earliest Nativity images

رسوم بيزنطية

Modern Orthodox mural from Israel using a depiction little changed in over a millennium.

التراث البيزنطي والأرثوذكسي

التراث البيزنطي المتأخر في اوروپا الغربية

رسوم غربية

Nativity at Night by Geertgen tot Sint Jans, c. 1490, after a composition by Hugo van der Goes of c. 1470, influenced by the visions of Saint Bridget of Sweden. Sources of light are the infant Jesus, the shepherds' fire on the hill behind, and the angel who appears to them.

This Nativity by Rogier van der Weyden, follows Bridget's vision, with donor portrait and ruins

العصور الوسطى

مناظر غربية في العصور الوسطى

الفن القوطي

الفن القوطي العالمي

Proto-Renaissance in Italy

النهضة وما بعدها

The Magi, stained glass by John Hardman and Co in St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney.

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النهضة المبكرة

النهضة الحديثة

النهضة في شمال ايطاليا

النهضة الشمالية


الباروك والروكوكو

1800 بعد

الفن الشعبي

انظر أيضا


Modern stained glass from the Taufkapelle, Koblenz-Arenberg
  1. ^ Schiller:100


G Schiller, Iconography of Christian Art, Vol. I,1971 (English trans from German), Lund Humphries, London, pp. 58-124 & figs 140-338, ISBN 853312702

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