1. Fibroids:

a) Are more common among nulliparas and low parity women.

b) Are composed mainly of fibrous tissue.

c) Have rich blood supply.

d) Grow rapidly after the menopause.

e) Cervical fibroids account for 40 % of all fibroids.

2. Select the WRONG statement regarding fibroids:

a) Originate from smooth muscle.

b) Contain muscle and connective tissue.

c) Are usually multiple.

d) Are uncommon in the cervix.

e) Are usually submucus.

3. Regarding uterine fibroids, which of the following is true:

a) Are the second most common tumors in the female genital tract.

b) Cervical fibroids account for 4% of cases.

c) The great majority of corporeal fibroids are associated with menorrhagia.

d) The probability of a fibroid causing infertility is related primarily to its size.

e) Torsion is the most common complication.

4. Fibroids:

a) Have rich blood supply.

b) Are not estrogen dependent.

c) Are usually asymptomatic.

d) Shrink with pregnancy.

e) Broad ligament fibroids are classified into primary and secondary.

5. Fibroids are more commonly associated with the following EXCEPT:

a) Low parity.

b) Follicular cysts.

c) Theca lutein cysts.

d) High estrogen.

e) Endometriosis.

6. The most common site of uterine fibroid is:

a) Cervical.

b) Submucous.

c) Subserous.

d) Interstitial.

e) Cornual.

7. Select the WRONG statement regarding fibroids:

a) Are the most common tumors of the female genital tract.

b) May cause mechanical obstruction of the tubes.

c) Shrink in response to treatment with GnRH analogues.

d) May reach large sizes.

e) Subserous fibroids commonly cause infertility.