مناطق ساحل العاج

The regions of Ivory Coast (فرنسية: régions de Côte d'Ivoire) are the second-level subdivisions of Ivory Coast. There are 31 regions, and each region is subdivided into two or more departments, the third-level division in Ivory Coast. Two to four regions are combined to make up a district, the first-level subdivision. The two autonomous districts of Ivory Coast are not divided into regions.

The 31 current regions. Red lines indicate borders of districts. Grey areas are not governed by regions.

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There are currently 31 regions of Ivory Coast. Two areas of the country, the autonomous districts of Abidjan and Yamoussoukro, are not divided into regions. The regions are as follows, with the date of creation in parentheses:

  1. Agnéby-Tiassa (2011)
  2. Bafing (2000)
  3. Bagoué (2011)
  4. Bélier Region (2011)
  5. Béré (2011)
  6. Bounkani (2011)
  7. Cavally (2011)
  8. Folon (2011)
  9. Gbêkê (2011)
  10. Gbôklé (2011)
  11. Gôh (2011)
  12. Gontougo (2011)
  13. Grands-Ponts (2011)
  14. Guémon (2011)
  15. Hambol (2011)
  16. Haut-Sassandra (1997)
  17. Iffou (2011)
  18. Indénié-Djuablin (2011)
  19. Kabadougou (2011)
  20. La Mé (2011)
  21. Lôh-Djiboua (2011)
  22. Marahoué (1997)
  23. Moronou (2012)
  24. Nawa (2011)
  25. N'Zi (2011)
  26. Poro (2011)
  27. San-Pédro (2011)
  28. Sud-Comoé (1997)
  29. Tchologo (2011)
  30. Tonkpi (2011)
  31. Worodougou (1997)
A. Abidjan Autonomous District (2011) (not a region or divided into regions)
B. Yamoussoukro Autonomous District (2011) (not a region or divided into regions)

The 14 districts (of which two are autonomous and are not subdivided into regions) and the 31 regions are listed below, with their regional seats and populations at the 2014 census.[1]

District District capital Regions Region seat Population
(District Autonome d'Abidjan)
(District du Bas-Sassandra)
San-Pédro Gbôklé Sassandra 400,798
Nawa Soubré 1,053,084
San-Pédro San-Pédro 826,666
(District du Comoé)
Abengourou Indénié-Djuablin Abengourou 560,432
Sud-Comoé Aboisso 642,620
(District du Denguélé)
Odienné Folon Minignan 96,415
Kabadougou Odienné 193,364
(District du Gôh-Djiboua)
Gagnoa Gôh Gagnoa 876,117
Lôh-Djiboua Divo 729,169
(District des Lacs)
Dimbokro Bélier Yamoussoukro[2] 346,768
Iffou Daoukro 311,642
Moronou Bongouanou 352,616
N'Zi Dimbokro 247,578
(District des Lagunes)
Dabou Agnéby-Tiassa Agboville 606,852
Grands-Ponts Dabou 356,495
La Mé Adzopé 514,700
(District des Montagnes)
Man Cavally Guiglo 459,964
Guémon Duékoué 919,392
Tonkpi Man 992,564
(District du Sassandra-Marahoué)
Daloa Haut-Sassandra Daloa 1,430,960
Marahoué Bouaflé 862,344
(District des Savanes)
Korhogo Bagoué Boundiali 375,687
Poro Korhogo 763,852
Tchologo Ferkessédougou 467,958
Vallée du Bandama
(District de la Vallée du Bandama)
Bouaké Gbêkê Bouaké 1,010,849
Hambol Katiola 429,977
(District du Woroba)
Séguéla Béré Mankono 389,758
Bafing Touba 183,047
Worodougou Séguéla 272,334
(District Autonome du Yamoussoukro)
(District du Zanzan)
Bondoukou Bounkani Bouna 267,167
Gontougo Bondoukou 667,185

المناطق قبل 2011

تنقسم ساحل العاج (Ivory Coast) إلى 19 منطقة (régions):

  1. أگنبي
  2. بافنگ
  3. ساسندرا السفلى
  4. دنگويله
  5. الثمانية عشر جبلاً
  6. فروماجيه
  7. ساسندرا العليا
  8. لاك
  9. لاگونه
  10. مراهوه
  11. كاڤالي الوسطى
  12. كوموه الوسطى
  13. نزي-كوموه
  14. ساڤان
  15. جنوب بانداما
  16. جنوب كوموه
  17. وادي بانداما
  18. ورودوگو
  19. زنزان


وتنقسم المناطق إلى 81 قسم.

انظر أيضا

وصلات خارجية

  1. ^ Districts of Côte d'Ivoire at statoids.com Institut National de la Statistique, Côte d'Ivoire.
  2. ^ While Yamoussoukro is the seat of Bélier region, the city itself is not part of the region.
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