معاهدة پاراڤيتشيني

معاهدة پاراڤيتشيني Treaty of Paravicini في 9 يونيو 1756 وقـّع عليها 48 حاكماً في جزر سولور وروتي وساوو وسومبا ومعظم غرب تيمور، للدخول في تحالف مع شركة الهند الشرقية الهولندية (VOC). القوة الدافعة لتوقيع المعاهدة كان سمِيْها، الدبلوماسي يوهانس أندرياس پاراڤيتشيني.

تيمور والجزر المحيطة في القرنين 17 و 18.

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في تلك المنطقة التي قاتلت فيها شركة الهند الشرقية الهولندية البرتغال للسيادة عليها. في 1749، مني البرتغاليون وحلفاؤها، التوپاس والتيمور، بهزيمة ساحقة في معركة پنفوي. ونتيجة لتلك المعركة، نقل العديد من الملوك الصغار ولاءهم إلى الهولنديين.

المعاهدة ووقعها

الاحتفال بتوقيع معاهدة پاراڤيتشيني، ويظهر في الصورة پاراڤيتشيني محاطاً بالملوك الصغار.
حدود 1911 بين تيمور الهولندية (برتقالي) والبرتغالية (أخضر)، من وجهة النظر الهولندية.

في المعاهدة، امتدح پاراڤيتشيني الهولنديين كشعب متحرر ومحظوظ. Only among them are the great virtues of humanity to be found. They would make no distinctions between "black and white peoples". On the contrary, they see "all men as brothers, with the same basic rights" in interpersonal relationships. You can see that if you compare the "miserable and poor" Portuguese base on Timor Lifau with the "blessed" Dutch Kupang . A surprising statement, because Lifau is located in one of the most fertile regions of the island, while Kupang is in a significantly less fertile area. Apparently this was a demonstration of what could be achieved with Dutch diligence.[1]

n the case of several of the signing rulers, however, their authority over the specified territories was extremely doubtful. So the treaty was also signed by a Nai Kobe as king of Tabenoe (meaning Ambeno ) and Sitenomie as king of Liphoa (Lifau). However, both territories were firmly in the hands of the Topasses, allied with the Portuguese, and never fell تحت الحكم الهولندي.[2]

بين الموقعين كان شخص يُدعى Jacinto Correa ( Hiacijinto Corea ), who, as King of Wewiku - Wehale and Grand Duke of Belu , also signed the dubious Treaty of Paravicini on behalf of 27 kingdoms in the center of Timor that were traditionally subordinate to him .[3] This included Dirma , Lakekun , Samoro , Fatulete , Letisoli , Batuboro , Lanqueiro , Suai , Atsabe , Reimeia ,Diribate , Maroba , Lidak , Jenilu , Sukunaba , Biboki and Insana and also the Wehale sphere of influence: Wewiku, Manufahi , Tiris , Alas , Luca , Viqueque , Corara and Banibani. Fortunately for the Portuguese, Wehale was no longer powerful enough to sway all the local rulers to the side of the Dutch. Thus the 16 eastern former vassals of Wehale remained under the flag of Portugal, while Wehale itself and the rest of the 27 realms came under nominal Dutch supremacy. The island's division into Indonesian West Timor and the independent state of East Timor still exists today.[4]

After almost a hundred years the Dutch sphere of influence extended to Kupang and the neighboring region, despite the restrictions, the VOC was now able to nominally extend the area to almost all of what is now Indonesian West Timor. However, it was only in the 20th century that real colonial rule was established. The final demarcation of the border with Portugal did not take place until 1916.

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Hans Hägerdal: Rebellions or factionalism? Timorese forms of resistance in an early colonial context, 1650-1769
  2. ^ Laura Suzanne Meitzner Yoder: Custom, Codification, Collaboration: Integrating the Legacies of Land and Forest Authorities in Oecusse Enclave, East Timor. Dissertation, S. 82 & 83, Yale University, 2005 (Archived (Date missing) at oecusse.com (Error: unknown archive URL)).
  3. ^ Archived (Date missing) at dspace.anu.edu.au (Error: unknown archive URL) (PDF; 70 kB)
  4. ^ Laura Suzanne Meitzner Yoder: Custom, Codification, Collaboration: Integrating the Legacies of Land and Forest Authorities in Oecusse Enclave, East Timor. Dissertation, S. 82 & 83, Yale University, 2005 (Archived (Date missing) at oecusse.com (Error: unknown archive URL)).

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