قالب:جدول مرض نبات/شرح

|content= IMPORTANT

This Infobox is in development, see discussion.


The infobox is for disease specific information and is not meant as a replacement of the Taxobox. It should be added using the {{Infobox Plant disease}} template, as shown below:


{{Infobox plant disease
| color           = <!-- example : lightblue --> 
| name            = 
| image           = 
| caption         = 
| common_names    = 
| causal_agents   = 
| hosts           =
| vectors         =
| EPPO_codes      = 
| distribution    = 
  • name – the common name of the disease. This should be the same as the name of the article, but excluding the host name
  • image – optional – an image of the disease
  • caption – optional – the text to be placed below the image
  • common_names - list of common names in alphabetical order
  • causal_agents - causal agent (scientific name) or complex of causal agents. This should not include synonyms. Synonyms should appear in the pathogen's taxobox.
  • EPPO_codes - optional - list of EPPO codes associated with the causal agent(s)
  • distribution – optional – geographical distribution


Wheat leaf rust
Wheat leaf rust on wheat.jpg
Symptons of wheat leaf rust
الأسماء الشائعة: Brown rust

Leaf rust

العوامل المسببة: Puccinia triticina
الانتشار: Worldwide
