قالب:بيولوجيا الخلية/doc


  1. All fields are optional
  2. Setting a value for any of the cell or organelle attributes will make its diagram visible
  3. Any number and combination of diagram attributes may be set
  4. When multiple diagrams are activated, the title is suppressed
{{Cell biology
|celltypes     = yes        <!-- Display a diagram comparing a eukaryote to a prokaryote. -->
|animalcell    = yes        <!-- Diagram of an animal cell and its constituent organelles. -->
|plantcell     = yes        <!-- Diagram of a plant cell and its constituent organelles. -->
|nucleus       = yes        <!-- Diagram of a nucleus and its constituent parts. -->
|ribosome      = <!-- Not yet implemented. -->
|golgi         = yes        <!-- Diagram of a Golgi complex. -->
|centrosome    = yes        <!-- Diagram of a centrosome. -->
|mitochondrion = yes        <!-- Diagram of a mitochondrion. -->
|chloroplast   = yes        <!-- Diagram of a chloroplast. -->


بيولوجيا الخلية
خلايا حقيقيات النوى (يسار) وبدائيات النوى (يمين).
Animal Cell.svg
Plant cell structure svg labels.svg
Diagram human cell nucleus numbered version.svg
Golgi apparatus (numbers version).svg
مكونات جهاز گولجي نمطي:
  1. Cisternæ
  2. Lumen
  3. Incoming transport vesicle
  4. Cis face
  5. Trans face
  6. Outgoing transport vesicle
Centrosome (numbers version).svg
مكونات جسيم مركزي نمطي:
  1. Centriole
  2. Mother centriole
  3. Daughter centriole
  4. Distal ends
  5. Distal appendages
  6. Subdistal appendages
  7. Proximal ends
  8. Microtubule triplets
  9. ألياف رابطة
  10. Microtubules
  11. Pericentriolar material
Mitochondrion mini.svg
مكونات متقدرة نمطية

1 الغشاء الخارجي

1.1 Porin

2 Intermembrane space

2.1 الفضاء داخل البلورة
2.2 الفضاء المحيط

3 Lamella

3.1 الغشاء الداخلي
3.11 الغشاء الحدي الداخلي
3.12 غشاء بلوري
3.2 Matrix
3.3 Cristæ

4 Mitochondrial DNA
5 Matrix granule
6 Ribosome
7 ATP synthase

Chloroplast mini.svg

An example of the template with all diagrams activated.

  • Note: title bars are currently disabled in this view.

See also

Organelle diagram