خط زمني لمسطفى كمال أتاتورك

External Timeline A graphical timeline is available at
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Timeline of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is a time line of events during the lifespan of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The time line also includes the background events starting with the Sultan Abdulhamid II.

General Turkish War of Independence Republic of Turkey

1876 1 September Accession of Abdulhamid II
23 December Promulgation of Ottoman constitution Kanûn-ı Esâsî
1877 19 March Opening of first Ottoman parliament
24 April Russian troops enter Ottoman territory
1878 14 February Ottoman parliament dissolved
3 March Russian victory confirmed by Treaty of San Stefano (Ayastefanos)
13 July Treaty of Berlin replaces Treaty of San Stefano
1880 Winter Mustafa (Kemal Ataturk) born in Salonica
1881 24 May New border with Greece. Thessaly ceded to Greece
1888 All Riza, Mustafa’s father, dies
1893 Mustafa enters military preparatory school in Salonica
1897 Greko-Ottoman War
1899 13 March Mustafa Kemal enters infantry class of War College in Istanbul
1902 10 February Commissioned Second Lieutenant, and enters Staff College
1903 Promoted First Lieutenant
1905 11 January Passes out as Staff Captain and is posted for 5th Army in Syria; revives a secret opposition group in Damascus
1906 Makes clandestine trip to Salonica
1907 20 June Promoted Adjutant-Major
13 October Posted to 3rd Army headquarters in Salonica
1908 22 June Appointed to Inspectorate of Eastern Railways in Rumelia
24 July Young Turk Revolution
September Mustafa Kemal travels to Tripoli and Benghazi to re-establish CUP
1909 13 January Appointed chief of staff of i7th reserve division in Salonica
13 April Travels with his division to the outskirts of Istanbul; 31 March Incident
27 April Abdülhamit II deposed and succeeded by Mehmet V; 31 March Incident
1910 September Visits French army manoeuvres in Picardy;
September takes part in suppress of Albanian revolt
1911 15 January Appointed to 5th army corps headquarters
January Commander 38th infantry regiment
13 September Posted to general staff in Istanbul;
September Volunteers for service against the Italians in Cyrenaica
27 November Promoted Major
1912 11 March Appointed commander of Derne sector in Cyrenaica; Italo-Turkish War
8 October First Balkan War
8 October Salonica falls to the Greeks
24 October Mustafa Kemal leaves Cyrenaica and returns to Istanbul
25 November Appointed director of operations of Straits Composite Force
1913 23 January CUP seizes power Coup of 1913
24 March Edirne falls to the Bulgarians
29 June Second Balkan War
21 July Ottomans reoccupy Edirne
29 September Treaty of Istanbul fixes Turkish-Bulgarian frontier
27 October Mustafa Kemal appointed military attaché in Sofia
1914 1 March Mustafa Kemal promoted Lieutenant-Colonel
28 July Austria declares war on Serbia; beginning of First World War
2 August Ottoman Empire signs Ottoman-German Alliance.
29 October After Pursuit of Goeben and Breslau Ottoman navy under German command shells Russian targets
2 November روسيا declares war on Ottoman Empire
5 November Britain declares war on Ottoman Empire
5 November فرنسا declares war on Ottoman Empire
1915 20 January Mustafa Kemal leaves Sofia to take up appointment as commander of 19th division for service in Battle of Gallipoli
21 March Allied navy fails to force the straits at Naval operations in the Dardanelles Campaign
27 April Allied troops Landing at Anzac Cove faced with Mustafa
6 August Final attempts made by the British at Battle of Sari Bair faced with Mustafa

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