امبراطور روسيا

امبراطور عموم روسيا، امبراطورة عموم روسيا (روسية: Императоръ Всероссійскій, Императрица Всероссійская, Imperator Vserossiyskiy, Imperatritsa Vserossiyskaya) كان لقباً امبراطورياً في الامبراطورية الروسية من 1721 حتى 1917. وقد خـُلِق اللقب إثر الانتصار في الحرب الشمالية الكبرى وظهر كطريقة لتطويع لقب قيصر لنظام الألقاب المستخدم في اوروپا. السابقة "لعموم روسيا" تحولت من النسخة السابقة "(قيصر) كل الروسـْيَات'".

Emperor All Russia
Императоръ Всероссійскій
Lesser CoA of the empire of Russia.svg
Nicholas II of Russia01.jpg
نيقولاي الثاني في 1909
الأسلوبصاحب العظمة الامبراطورية
أول عاهلپطرس الأكبر
آخر عاهلنيقولاي الثاني
التشكيل2 نوفمبر 1721
الإلغاء15 مارس 1917
المقرالقصر الشتوي, سانت پطرسبورگ, روسيا
المُطالبماريا ڤلاديميروڤنا
نيقولاي رومانوڤ

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المادة الأولى من القوانين الأساسية للامبراطورية الروسية stated that "Emperor of All Russia is a autocratic and unrestricted monarch. To obey his supreme authority, not only out of fear but out of conscience as well, God himself commands". The article points to the fact that Russia had an unrestricted monarchy.

The full title of the emperor in the 20th century (Art.37 of Fundamental Laws):

بفضل الرب، نحن، NN, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Chersonese Taurian, Tsar of Georgia; Lord of Pskov and Grand Prince of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, Finland; Prince of Estland, Livland, Courland, Semigalia, Samogitia, Belostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugorsky land, Perm, Vyatka, Bolgar and others; Lord and Grand Prince of Nizhny Nogorod, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Belozersk, Udorsky land, Obdorsk, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislav, and all of the northern countries Master; and Lord of Iberia, Kartli, and Kabardia lands and Armenian provinces; Circassian and Mountainous Princes and their Hereditary Lord and Owner; Lord of Turkestan; Norwegian Heir; Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, and Oldenburg, and others, and others, and others.


The title of the Emperor of All Russia was introduced to Peter the Great. After the victory at the Great Northern War and signing the Treaty of Nystad, in September of 1721 Senate and Synod decided to award Peter with the title of the Emperor of All Russia with the following statement: "in the manner of the Roman Senate for the noble cause of emperors such titles publicly given them as a gift and into statues for the everlasting generations inscribed".

في هذا اليوم العشرين من أكتوبر، بعد استشارة مجلس الشيوخ together with the Holy Synod accepted the intention, to his majesty, in the testimony of a proper gratitude for his high grace and paternalism and effort which he for the welfare of state in all his glorious time of ruling and especially during the past Swedish War, deigned to manifest, and all-Russian state in such a strong and good fortune, and his people subjected to such fame over the whole world through his unique ruling led, as that to all quite known, by the name of all the Russian people to ask, so graciously to accept, following the example of others, from them title: the Father of the Fatherland, the Emperor of All Russia, Peter the Great ...

— Laws of the Russian Empire at Large. Vol.VI. No.3840

في 2 نوفمبر 1721 قبل پطرس الأول اللقب. الجمهورية الهولندية ومملكة پروسيا immediately recognized the new title of the Russian Tsar, Sweden in 1723, Ottomans (Turkey) in 1739, Great Britain and Austria in 1742, France and Spain in 1745, and finally Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1764. Since then the Russian State was referred to as the Russian Empire.

On February 16, 1722 Peter I issued the Decree of Succession where he abolished the old custom to pass the throne to the direct descendants in the male line, but allowed the appointment of heir through any decent person on the will of monarch.