العملية كولدستور

العملية كولدستور Operation Coldstore، وأحياناً تـُكتب Operation Cold Store، كان الاسم الرمزي لعملية أمنية سرية جرت في سنغافورة في 2 فبراير 1963 which led to the arrest of 113 people, who were detained without trial under the Preservation of Public Service Security Ordinance (PSSO).[1] In official accounts, the operation was a security operation "aimed at crippling the Communist open front organisation," which threatened Singapore's internal security.[2] The operation was authorised by the Internal Security Council which was composed of representatives from the British, Singapore and Malayan Federal governments.

Operation Coldstore
جزء من Preservation of Public Service Security Ordinance
نطاق العمليةOperational
مزمعة18 يناير 1963 (1963-01-18)
التخطيطلي كوان يو (قائمة الاعتقال والتاريخ)
القيادةمجلس الأمن الداخلي
الهدفاعتقال المشتبه في تعاطفهم مع الشيوعية
التاريخ2 فبراير 1963 (1963-02-02)
2:15 am
3:15 am – (UTC+08:00)
التنفيذSingapore Special Branch
Singapore Police Force
Johore Police Field Force
النتائج113 people arrested and detained without trial
Flag of Singapore.svg Flag of Singapore (1946-1959).png
هذه المقالة جزء من سلسلة
تاريخ سنغافورة
التاريخ المبكر لسنغافورة (قبل 1819)
تأسيس سنغافورة الحديثة (1819–1826)
مستوطنات المضائق (1826–1867)
مستعمرة التاج (1867–1942)
معركة سنغافورة (1942)
الاحتلال الياباني (1942–1945)
مذبحة سوك تشينگ (1942–1945)
فترة ما بعد الحرب (1945–1955)
المجلس التشريعي الأول (1948–1951)
اضطرابات ماريا هرتوگ(1950)
المجلس التشريعي الثاني (1951–1955)
Anti-National Service Riots (1954)
الحكم الذاتي الداخلي (1955–1962)
اضطرابات حافلات هوك لي (1955)
الاندماج في ماليزيا (1962–1965)
استفتاء الاندماج (1962)
العملية كولدستور (1963)
الاضطرابات العرقية في سنغافورة (1964)
MacDonald House bombing (1965)
جمهورية سنغافورة (1965–الحاضر)
الاضطرابات العرقية في سنغافورة (1969)
العملية سپكترم (1987)
الأزمة المالية في شرق آسيا (1997)
مخطط مهاجمة السفارات (2001)
تفشي السارز (2003)
مخطط زمني لتاريخ سنغافورة

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العملية كولدستور

Operation Coldstore commenced at 0215 hours on 2 February 1963. The police and Special Branch officers gathered in Johor before heading out to Singapore at 0315 hours to round up suspected communist sympathisers.[1] A total of 113 people were arrested.[3] Those detained included "31 in the political sphere... 40 trade union leaders, 18 from the education sphere, 11 from cultural circles, 7 members of rural committees of hawkers, nine people only identified as members of the MCP and 14 others."[4] Among those arrested from the political sphere were 24 members from the Barisan Sosialis.[1] The arrests were defended by invoking the PSSO with claims that the arrestees had "the long-term aim of the Malayan Communist Party to infiltrate and take over left-wing political parties, workers' associations and trade unions in the colony in order to foment violent unrest.”[1] A representative from the People's Action Party, S. Rajaratnam, justified the operation by stating that "action was taken not because they are Communists but because the danger of subversion and violence by communist in aid of these alien interventions."[4] The Internal Security Council report stated that those arrested were "hard core organisers and their collaborators of the Communist conspiracy in Singapore believed that the armed struggle remains a weapon to be employed whenever the opportunity arises."[1][5]

قائمة مختارة من المعتقلين: 113 people, including:

اسم المعتقل المنصب الحزب/المنظمة
Lim Chin Siong Secretary-General Barisan Sosialis
Sandra Woodhull Vice-Chairman Barisan Sosialis
Fong Swee Suan Secretary-General
Executive Committee Member
Singapore Association of Trade Unions
Barisan Sosialis
James Puthucheary Legal Advisor Barisan Sosialis
Dominic Puthucheary Committee Member
Committee Member
Singapore Association of Trade Unions
Barisan Sosialis
Singapore General Employees' Union
Poh Soo Kai Assistant Secretary General[6] Barisan Sosialis
Lim Hock Siew Committee Member Barisan Sosialis
A. Wahab Shah Chairman Party Rakyat
Tan Teck Wah President
Singapore General Employees' Union
Singapore Association of Trade Unions
Said Zahari Editor Utusan Melayu
Jamit Singh[7]
Linda Chen[4]
Lim Shee Ping[6] Committee Member Barisan Sosialis
Tan Yam Seng[6] Committee Member Barisan Sosialis


التمثيل الرسمي

Official accounts represent Operation Coldstore as a tough but necessary action to safeguard the internal security of Singapore as well as those of Singapore's neighbouring countries. At a press conference on 4 February 1963, Lee Kuan Yew claimed that the "open front communist organisations were ready to mount violent agitation to coincide with events outside Singapore" which could also "endangered the security of Malaysia."[6] He also stated that "if left alone without outside factors, Singapore would never have contemplated such sweeping actions."[6] However, Lee's comments were not well received by the British and the Malayan governments as it shifted the responsibility for arrests on them while denying Lee's active involvement in the events leading up to the operation.[1]

Protest movements

The execution of Operation Coldstore was followed by a series of protests and demonstrations. On 22 April 1963, four Barisan Sosialis leaders, along with Lee Siew Choh, demonstrated against Operation Coldstore at the Prime Minister's Office but were later apprehended and "charged with abetment to overawe the government by force".[1]

Operation Coldstore led to the arrests of Nanyang University students who had been involved in opposing the referendum in 1962, and the termination of the Nanyang University student publication permit.[8] These actions triggered widespread student protests against the repressive PSSO.[8] In addition, the student unions of polytechnics, Nanyang University and the University of Malaya jointly produced a proclamation against the arrests and termination of their publication permit.[8]

Amnesty International came to the fore and campaigned against Operation Coldstore from its headquarters in London, although their efforts were not successful.[1]

انتقادات لمعاملة المعتقلين

The conditions under which the detainees were held came under scrutiny by the Singapore Assembly when it was revealed that the detainees were kept in "solitary confinement until their interrogation had been completed" while "the interrogation process itself appeared to be unnecessarily protracted."[1] The extended length of interrogations also alarmed the British.[1] In addition, in late May 1963, the British investigating team of Members of Parliament from the Labour Party, which included Fenner Brockway, questioned the manner in which the detainees were treated.

الانتخابات العامة السنغافورية 1963 وتشكل ماليزيا

The Barisan Sosialis was the People's Action Party's strongest contenders in politics. However, Operation Coldstore had substantially weakened the Barisan as most of its key personnel had been detained. According to Matthew Jones, "the Barisan never recovered from the combined effects of the outcome of the referendum result and the 'Cold Store' detentions.”[1] Jones also highlights that numerous Barisan leaders and members were bogged down with lawsuits and its followers were "demoralised".[1] In addition, Tan Jing Quee mentions that "the two main pillars of the left-wing movement in Singapore, the Barisan Sosialis and SATU, were decapitated," following Operation Coldstore.[6]

Operation Coldstore also set off the May Day rally in Farrer Park which was popularly supported by 39 left-wing unions and amassed a crowd of approximately 10,000 people. The rally was accompanied by a call by ST Bani, the president of SATU, who "urged that a general election be held in Singapore under United Nations auspices".[4]

In the end, the People's Action Party won the 1963 General Elections and Singapore merged with Malaya, Sarawak and North Borneo to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963.

نقاش وجدل

مدى التهديد الشيوعي

An ongoing debate on Operation Coldstore is whether the extent of communist threat in Singapore had been inflated in the 1950s and 1960s. Individuals such as Said Zahari and Chin Peng suggest that the communist threat could have been exaggerated. Said Zahari, a journalist and one of those arrested during Operation Cold store, said that the operation was not about arresting the communists as "the Communist Party of Malaya in Singapore was no longer active". Instead, the operation was used to weaken the opposition to the People's Action Party in Singapore.[9]

Chin Peng, then the Secretary-General of the Communist Party of Malaya, said in his memoirs, "Contrary to countless allegations made over the years by Singapore leaders, academics and the Western Press, we never controlled Barisan Socialists." He also wrote, "Operation Cold Store shattered our underground network throughout the island. Those who escaped the police net went into hiding. Many fled to Indonesia".[10]

However, historians such as Kumar Ramakrishna disagree and assert that the communist threat was real. He argues that the absence of subversive communist activities was caused by the clever strategy that had been adopted of working within the constitution to subvert Singapore to communism.[11]

إزالة السرية عن الوثائق الرسمية

The maturation of the 30-year rule has led to the release of declassified British archival documents pertaining to Operation Coldstore. However, the documents in the Internal Security Department archives of Singapore remain classified. Privilege access to these classified documents has been granted to scholars such as Kumar Ramakrishna.[12] This situation has prompted historians such as Tan Tai Yong to urge the government to "widen access to the archives" as "such access should not hinge on who is asking for them" so that historians can "offer different perspectives."[12]

ملف:Dr Thum Ping Tjin, Asia Research Institute, NUS, Singapore, 2013.jpg
Dr. Thum Ping Tjin delivering a lecture, "Merger, Acquisition, or Takeover? The Enduring Consequences of Operation Coldstore in Singapore" at the Asia Research Institute at the Bukit Timah Campus of the National University of Singapore.

انظر أيضاً

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  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س Matthew, Jones (2008). "Creating Malaysia: Singapore Security, the Borneo Territories, and the Contours of British policy". The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 28 (2).
  2. ^ Ee, Boon Lee; Lim, Boon Tee (February 3, 1963). "Who's who in the big round up".
  3. ^ "Church publication condemns 1963 security swoop". Retrieved 2018-11-16.
  4. ^ أ ب ت ث خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة :1
  5. ^ Singapore, National Library Board. "Barisan Sosialis | Infopedia". eresources.nlb.gov.sg. Retrieved 2018-11-16.
  6. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح Tan, Jing Quee (2001). "Lim Chin Siong – A Political Life". In Tan, Jing Quee; Jomo, K.S. (eds.). Comet in our sky. Kuala Lumpur: INSAN.
  7. ^ Liew, Kai Khiun (2004). "The Anchor and the Voice of 10,000 Waterfront Workers: Jamit Singh in the Singapore Story". Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 35 (3). doi:10.1017/s0022463404000232.
  8. ^ أ ب ت Barr, Michael; Trocki, Carl A. (2008). Paths not Taken: political pluralism in post-war Singapore. Singapore: NUS Press.
  9. ^ Zahari, S. (2007). "The Long Nightmare: My 17 years as a political prisoner" Malaysia: Utusan Publications & Distributors.
  10. ^ Chin, P. (2003). "Chin Peng: My side of history" Singapore: Media Masters.
  11. ^ Ramakrishna, Kumar (2015). Original Sin: Revising the Revisionist Critique of the 1963 Operation Coldstore in Singapore. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.
  12. ^ أ ب Lim, Yan Liang (April 13, 2015). "Revisiting Operation Coldstore". The Straits Times.

قراءات مقترحة

  • Hussin Mutalib (2004). Parties and Politics. A Study of Opposition Parties and the PAP in Singapore. Marshall Cavendish Adademic. ISBN 981-210-408-9
  • Lee Kuan Yew. (1998). The Singapore Story. Federal Publications. ISBN 0-13-020803-5
  • Mathew Jones, “Creating Malaysia: Singapore Security, the Borneo Territories and the Contours of British Policy, 1961-1963” in Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Vol. 28, No. 2, May 2000. pp. 85–109
  • Ball, S.J. (1997). "Selkirk in Singapore". Twentieth Century British History. 10 (2): 162–191.
  • Liew, Kai Khiun (2004). "The Anchor and the Voice of 10,000 Waterfront Workers: Jamit Singh in the Singapore Story". Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 35 (3). doi:10.1017/s0022463404000232.
  • Jones, Matthew (2000). "Creating Malaysia: Singapore Security, the Borneo Territories, and the Contours of British policy". The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 28 (2): 85–109. doi:10.1080/03086530008583091.
  • Thum, Pingtjin. “‘The Fundamental Issue is Anti-colonialism, Not Merger’: Singapore’s “progressive left,” Operation Coldstore, and the Creation of Malaysia,” in Asia Research Institute, Working Paper Series No. 211: 1 – 25.
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