أوداياديتياڤارمن الثاني

أوداياديتياڤارمن الثاني (خمير وسطى: ឧទ័យាទិត្យវរ្ម័នទី២؛ Udayadityavarman II) حكم مملكة أنگكور من 1050 إلى 1066م. وكان خليفة سورياڤارمن الأول[1]:137 ولكنه لم يكن ابنه، بل من نسل زوجة ياسوڤارمن الأول.

نصب أقامه أوداياديتياڤارمن الثاني ليميز المناطق المعفاة من الضرائب في دلتا الميكونگ. عـُثِر عليه في My Qui، في Long An province، ڤيتنام.

He built the Baphuon Temple to honor the god Shiva, but some of the sculptures are dedicated to Buddha. He also completed the construction of the West Baray reservoir and built the West Mebon, a raised-earth island in the center.[1]:138[2]:103[3]:371

During his reign, several attempted rebellions, in 1051 and 1065, were crushed by his general سانگراما.[1]:138–139[2]:104

The Sdok Kak Thom temple, located near the present day Thai town of Aranyaprathet, was also constructed during his reign. The temple is perhaps most famous as the discovery site of a detailed inscription recounting the sequence of previous Khmer kings. نصب النقش هو الآن جزء من مجموعة المتحف الوطني في بانكوك.

He was succeeded by his younger brother هارشاڤارمن الثالث.[1]:139

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  1. ^ أ ب ت ث Coedès, George (1968). Walter F. Vella (ed.). The Indianized States of Southeast Asia. trans.Susan Brown Cowing. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-0368-1.
  2. ^ أ ب Higham, C., 2001, The Civilization of Angkor, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, ISBN 9781842125847
  3. ^ Higham, C., 2014, Early Mainland Southeast Asia, Bangkok: River Books Co., Ltd., ISBN 9786167339443
  • History of Cambodia. [1] Accessed June 7, 2004.
ألقاب ملكية
سورياڤارمن الأول
امبراطور أنگكور
هارشاڤارمن الثالث

قالب:Monarchs of Cambodia


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