أوتو أدولف، ڤايسمان من ڤايسن‌شتاين

البارون أوتو أدولف، ڤايسمان من ڤايسن‌شتاين (20 ديسمبر 1726 22 يونيو 1773) قائد عسكري روسي، برتبة جنرال.

أوتو أدولف، ڤايسمان من ڤايسن‌شتاين
Otto Adolf Weisman von Weißenstein.jpg
الاسم المحليВейсман фон Вейсенштейн, Отто Адольф
الكنيةأخيل الروسي
ولد20 ديسمبر 1726 (العمر 297 سنة)
توفييونيو 22, 1773(1773-06-22) (aged 46)
الولاء الإمبراطورية الروسية
الخدمة/الفرعالجيش الروسي الامبراطوري
سنين الخدمة1756-1773
قيادات مناطةفوج مشاة بيلوزرسكي
المعارك/الحروبحرب السبع سنوات معركة كاينارجا
قالب:Орден Святого Георгия 2 степени قالب:Орден Святого Георгия 3 степени RUS Imperial Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky ribbon.svg

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انحدر أوتو أدولف من أسرة نبيلة في ليڤونيا.

Then commanding the brigade in the army of Rumyantsev , he participated in the battles of Larg and Cahul . For distinctions under Larg and Cahul he was awarded the orders of St. Alexander Nevsky and 27.7 . 1770 - St. 3rd degree George 9

  "For the July 7th, 770 attack, during the battle with the enemy at the Larga River, undaunted courage in the possession of batteries and the enemy camp. "  

On November 14, 1770, Weisman, crossing a small detachment across the Danube, suddenly appeared at the Isakchi fortress, from where the Turks, panicked, fled to Babadag. The campaign of 1771 was opened by his own actions: on March 23 , crossing the Danube, he drove the Turks out of Tulchi, on April 14 he destroyed significant stores in Isakcha and seized all the artillery, and on May 19 he had a brilliant business near Tulcha. On October 20, Weisman appeared again near Tulcea, scattered the Turkish troops standing at her, detonated the fortifications, and then, quickly appearing at Babadag, forced the High Vizier to flee from there; then he turned to Isakcha, took and destroyed it, taking 179 guns on this expedition. July 15, 1771awarded the Order of St. George 2 C.

  "For his courageous and prudent leadership during the incident of June 19, 1771 with the enemy at Tulce on this side of the Danube battle and for winning a perfect victory."  

In the campaign of 1773, Weisman again crossed the Danube first and on July 7 defeated the 10,000th Turkish corps at Gurdabal (30 miles below Silistria), thereby clearing the crossing for the main army. During the further movement to Silistria, Weisman, commanding the vanguard troops, repeatedly had occasions to show his courage and order, took the fortification closest to Silistria and kept in it until the Rumyantsev’s army moved back over the Danube. On July 24, Weisman, by order of the commander-in-chief, attacked the Seraskir army, located in an almost inaccessible position, near the village of Kuchuk-Kainardzhi , but was killed here. Weismann's death was a matter of sincere regret for the whole army.

Suvorov always spoke of him as one of the greatest generals of the century of Catherine. In his correspondence, speaking of the affairs of the Rumyantsev campaign, he wrote: " Weismann is gone - I am left alone ."
