أڤراهام هارمان

(تم التحويل من أفرام هارمان)

أڤراهام هارمان (بالعبرية: אברהם הרמן‎؛ إنگليزية: Avraham Harman؛ 1914 - 23 فبراير 1992) كان دبلوماسياً إسرائيلياً واداري أكاديمي.[1]

Avraham Harman
Abraham Herman1950.jpg
السفير الثالث لإسرائيل لدى الولايات المتحدة
في المنصب
سبقه أبا إيبان
خلفه إسحاق رابين
رئيس الجامعة العبرية
في المنصب
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد Leslie Avraham Harman
لندن، إنگلترة
توفي 23 فبراير 1992
القدس، إسرائيل
الزوج زينة هارمان
الأنجال Naomi Chazan, Ilana Boehm, David Harman
الجامعة الأم كلية وادم، جامعة أكسفورد

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وُلِد أڤراهام هارمان في لندن بـالمملكة المتحدة. He received a law degree from Wadham College, Oxford in 1935. In 1938, he immigrated to Mandate Palestine.

إثر إعلان الاستقلال in 1948, he was appointed deputy director of the Press and Information Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1949, he was appointed Israel's first consul-general in Montreal, Quebec. In 1950, he worked in the Israeli delegation to the United Nations. From 1953 to 1955, he was the consul-general in New York, New York. From 1959 to 1968, he was Israel's ambassador to the الولايات المتحدة.

From 1968 to 1983, he was the president of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As President, among other things, he was responsible for the rebuilding and expansion of the original campus of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus. After 1983, he was appointed Chancellor.

Harman was founding president of the Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry, a post he held until his death. He received honorary degrees from Yeshiva University, Brandeis University, the Hebrew University, the Weizmann Institute, New York University, Brooklyn College, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Hebrew Union College, Pepperdine University, University of San Francisco and University of Rochester. He was also named an honorary fellow by his alma mater, Wadham College, Oxford.

Both Harman's wife Zena Harman and their daughter, Naomi Chazan were elected to the Knesset. He lived in Jerusalem till his death, and is buried in the city. The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is named in his honour.
