أحمد بن نظام الملك

Ḍiyaʾ al-Mulk Aḥmad ibn Niẓām al-Mulk (فارسية: ضیاءالملک احمد بن نظام‌الملک), was a Persian vizier of the Seljuq Empire and then the Abbasid Caliphate. He was the son of Nizam al-Mulk,[1] one of the most famous viziers of the Seljuq Empire.

ضياء الملك

أحمد بن نظام الملك
Abbasid Vizier
في المنصب
1122 - 1123/1124
(one year)
سبقهعميد الدولة جلال الدين حسن بن علي
Seljuk Vizier
في المنصب
1106/1107 - 1110/1111
العاهلMuhammad I Tapar
خلـَفهشمس الملك عثمان
تفاصيل شخصية
توفي1149/1150 CE
بغداد، Abbasid Caliphate (now العراق)
الوالدانالأب: نظام الملك
الأم: أميرة جورجية، ابنة أخي أو ابنة Bagrat III
  • Brothers:
  • شمس الملك عثمان
  • أبو الفتح فخر الملك
  • مؤيد الملك
  • Jamal al-Mulk
  • Fakhr al-Mulk
  • Izz al-Mulk
  • Imad al-Mulk Abu'l-Kasim
  • Safiyya (sister)

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Ahmad was born in Balkh, he was the son of Nizam al-Mulk, and a Georgian princess, who was the niece or daughter of Bagrat III of Georgia.[1] During the lifetime of his father, Ahmad lived in Hamadan and Isfahan, and continued to do so in a few years after his father's death.

In 1106/1107, he went to the court of Sultan Muhammad I to file a complaint against the rais (head) of Hamadan. When Ahmad arrived to the court, Muhammad I appointed him as his vizier, replacing سعد الملك أبي المحاسن who had been recently executed on suspicion of heresy. The appointment was due mainly to the reputation of his Ahmad's father. He was then given various titles which his father held (Qewam al-din, Sadr al-Islam and Nizam al-Mulk).

Ahmad was vizier for four years in which he in 1107/1108 accompanied Sultan Muhammad I during his campaign in Iraq, where his army تمكن من هزيمة وقتل الحاكم المزيدي سيف الدولة صدقة بن منصور، الذي حمل لقب "ملك العرب". In 1109, Muhammad I sent Ahmad and Chavli Saqavu to capture the Ismaili fortresses of Alamut and Ostavand, but they failed to achieve any decisive result and withdrew. [2] In 1110, an Ismaili attempted to assassinate Ahmad in a mosque at Baghdad, but failed to do so. Ahmad was shortly replaced by Khatir al-Mulk Abu Mansur Maybudi as vizier of the Sejluq Empire. According to Ali ibn al-Athir, Ahmad then retired to a private life in Baghdad, but according to Anushirvan ibn Khalid, Muhammad I had Ahmad imprisoned for ten years.[1]

In 1122, the son of Muhammad I, Mahmud II was ruling as the Sultan of the Seljuq Empire, with another son of Nizam al-Mulk, Shams al-Mulk Uthman, as his vizier. During the same year, the Abbasid caliph المسترشد deposed and imprisoned his vizier Amid al-dawla Jalal al-Din Hasan ibn Ali. Mahmud II then imposed Ahmad وزيراً للمسترشد. ولاحقاً قاتل أحمد ضد دبيس بن صدقة المزيدي. Ahmad also fortified the walls around Baghdad.[3]

One year later, Mahmud II removed Shams al-Mulk Uthman as his vizier, and had him executed. The Abbasid caliph then used this opportunity to get rid of Ahmad as his vizier.[4] Ahmad then retired to a school in Baghdad which was founded by his father, the Nezamiyeh, where he lived the last 25 years of his life, dying in 1149/1150.[1]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث Bosworth 1984, pp. 642–643.
  2. ^ Bosworth 1968, p. 118.
  3. ^ Bosworth 1968, p. 127.
  4. ^ Bosworth 1968, p. 122.


  • Bosworth, C. E. (1968). "The Political and Dynastic History of the Iranian World (A.D. 1000–1217)". In Frye, R. N. (ed.). The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 5: The Saljuq and Mongol periods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–202. ISBN 0-521-06936-X.
  • C. L. Klausner, The Seljuk Vizierate, a Study of Civil Administration 1055-1194, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1973
  • Bosworth, C. Edmund (1984). "AḤMAD B. NEẒĀM-AL-MOLK". Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. I, Fasc. 6. London et al.: C. Edmund Bosworth. pp. 642–643.
سعد الملك أبو المحاسن
Vizier of the Seljuq Empire
خاطر الملك أبو منصور ميبدي
عميد الدولة جلال الدين حسن بن علي
الوزير العباسي